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Top Climate Action Wins of 2023 So Far

As we grapple with the existential threat of climate change, 2023 has emerged as a year marked by renewed commitment and tangible climate action. Across the globe, a growing movement is gathering momentum, and the outcomes are nothing short of promising.

Here at home, we celebrated a major victory for environmental conservation in Zambia when the Zambia Environmental Management Agency (ZEMA) shared their decision to halt proposed large-scale mining activities by Mwembeshi Resources Limited in the Lower Zambezi National Park in Luangwa District. The cancellation of the mining project stands as a testament to the vital role that vigilant environmental stewardship plays in preserving the delicate balance of our ecosystems.

South Africa, a heavyweight on the African continent and the 12th largest global emitter of greenhouse gases embarked on a transformative journey. In a bold move, the nation unveiled an $8.5 billion plan to transition away from coal—a primary energy source. This strategic initiative promises not only a reduction in emissions but also the creation of fresh employment opportunities within the burgeoning clean energy sector.

Rwanda, an African pioneer in climate action, charted an inspiring course. The nation introduced a comprehensive climate change policy aimed at propelling Rwanda into a low-carbon economy by 2050. This multifaceted policy champions renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable land use—a robust commitment to a sustainable future.

Against this backdrop, the world stage has also witnessed pivotal climate achievements:

  • The United States scripted history when the “Inflation Reduction Act” was enshrined into law in August 2023. An astounding $369 billion was allocated for investments in clean energy and climate change mitigation. This landmark investment is poised to usher in significant reductions in US greenhouse gas emissions.
  • The European Union, echoing the call for change, set forth a resolute decree: the banning of new gasoline and diesel vehicle sales by 2035. This audacious step marks a determined commitment to decarbonize the transportation sector—a prominent contributor to global greenhouse gas emissions.
  • China, as the globe’s preeminent greenhouse gas emitter, made an epochal proclamation. By 2030, the nation aspires to reach its zenith of carbon emissions, with the ultimate objective of attaining carbon neutrality by 2060. This commitment reverberates on a global scale with unparalleled significance.
  • India’s aspirations for a cleaner energy future are equally ambitious. The nation unveiled plans to elevate its renewable energy capacity to a staggering 500 gigawatts by 2030, marking a five-fold increase from its current capacity.
  • Brazil, a guardian of the invaluable Amazon rainforest, made a resolute pledge. By 2030, the nation vowed to eradicate illegal deforestation within this vital carbon sink—a pivotal stride towards climate change mitigation.

While these achievements serve as a testament to humanity’s capacity to work towards a cleaner and more sustainable future, the challenges posed by climate change remain monumental and demand persistent commitment.

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